Some missing things:
A /stuck command. Ever have the silly little girl or a henchman follow you into a tight spot that turns out to be a dead end? Get caught in the greenery and turn around and around looking for the 'sweet' angle that'll get you out again?
Documentation. Scarce. Scattered. Disorganised. Handbook that comes with the game just about useless. (Applause to GWG, btw, some great stuff on the site here).
More than five dye colors available for sale in the early game. Yes, you can get unusual ones from creature drops, but given the distinct lack of customization in these characters, something as simple as a spread of colors would help a lot. (I know, I know, they're saving broader customization for an upsell of the next release...but we can dream).
And the one that's peeving me off most of all right now:
Disconnecting in (say) Wizard's Folly, and reappearing in the ABBEY?!? I know it's an instanced game, and that creates some problems, but you could at least hit the same zone...? Is there some system requirement that demands an new instance can't be created as the player logs in?